Whimsical Maps Pt. 5

Sinclair Road Map


Here’s another whimsical road map I came across at a flea market. Although there are over 2,500 Sinclair filling stations in the US, I’ve personally never seen one myself in my travels. There’s no date on the map, but I’d put it at the mid to late 50s. I always admire how creative they can be with the limited number of inks.


Sinclair Road Map

Those people sure aren’t driving the 401 through the Greater Toronto Area in rush hour. They’re too happy.



Sinclair Road Map


Sinclair Road Map


Sinclair Road Map


This particular one is my favourite. I love how the guy has been simplified down to basic shapes.


Sinclair Road Map


Sinclair uses the dinosaur logo—called “Dino”—to this day. On this map, it wasn’t part of the logo, but was used for parts of the legend and compass.


Related Links

Whimsical Roadmaps

Whimsical Roadmaps Pt. 2

Whimsical Maps Pt. 3

Whimsical Maps Pt. 4

Retro Rewind: Travel Brochures